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ECC Exhibition during the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development

9 July 2018 - 19 July 2018
Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, 871 United Nations Plaza, New York, USA

The Exhibition on Environment, Conflict and Cooperation (ECC) highlights the unprecedented environmental pressures and climate extremes that the world faces today. It was recently updated to encompass topical issues of sustainable development and peace, including the 2030 Agenda. adelphi's ECC Exhibition is shown during the HLPF 2018 by the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations with support by the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the Climate Diplomacy Initiative.

On 17 July, the German Federal Foreign Office and adelphi co-organize the side event “Global Resilience Agenda: A Foreign Policy Perspective on the SDGs”.

These changes are threatening the essential resources – fertile land and fresh water – that we all depend on, increasing poverty and damaging livelihoods for millions of people. These impacts also heighten tensions between groups, fuelling political and economic instability and exacerbating conflict. The ECC Exhibition thus poses three main questions:

→ How will increased environmental pressures affect peace and security?

→ How does a changing climate threaten lives and livelihoods?

→ How can we build resilience to environmental change?

adelphi's ECC Exhibition is shown during the HLPF 2018 by the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations with support by the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the Climate Diplomacy Initiative.

Sustainable Development as a Core Foreign Policy Issue

Development cannot be achieved without peace – and without sustainable development, peace will be fragile. This means that the SDGs are strongly linked with foreign policy priorities such as conflict prevention, stabilisation and peacebuilding.

In 2018, the High Level Political Forum reviews the following SDGs:

→ SDG6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

→ SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

→ SDG11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

→ SDG12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

→ SDG15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Because the SDGs under review in 2018 address key resources and global risk complexes, achieving them would make a tangible contribution to peace. The ECC Exhibition looks in detail at challenges around water (SDG6), energy (SDG7) and extractive resources (SDG12), connecting the dots between the 2030 Agenda and questions of peace and conflict.

The 2030 Agenda as a Global Framework for Resilience

The ECC Exhibition shows the unique contribution of the 2030 Agenda to a governance architecture that can help create resilient societies.

Global and local cooperation are two sides of the same coin when it comes to promoting more sustainable and peaceful societies that can cope better with stressors. The ECC Exhibition presents three major global frameworks that were established by the international community in 2015, including the 2030 Agenda, and highlights their role in the pursuit of global resilience.


Explore the online version of the ECC exhibition on our platform!