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The Peace Piece: "Not Reinventing the Wheel: What Lessons Can Climate Funds Learn from Development and Peacebuilding Actors?"

16 November 2023

Access to climate finance is essential for a just and peaceful transition. Of countries most vulnerable to climate change, more than half are also impacted by conflict. Research shows that a very small percentage of climate finance are reaching those conflict affected and fragile states. Even within fragile states, climate finance is more likely to be spent in less fragile areas and often does not reach marginalised groups.

Climate finance offers opportunities to increase resilience, reverse environmental decline and build peace. However for climate finance to support peace, it must be sufficient, reach fragile and conflict-affected states and fund projects that are conflict-sensitive and peace-positive. At the moment, it does not. Barriers such as donor risk appetite, state capacity, project compliance and bureaucratic process hinder progress in this space.


While there is an increasing awareness within multilateral development banks, climate funds and national governments of these challenges, they are often approached as novel. Yet much can be learnt from the experience of the peacebuilding and development community about managing risk and designing and implementing projects in fragile settings. 


This panel seeks to discuss what climate funds can learn from development and peacebuilding communities as well as how they can better work together in conflict and fragile affected states to deliver effective climate finance. 

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