In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we bring you the Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment (ACRA). The first comprehensive study of climate security across...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we look at the big picture. The latest Weathering Risk report identifies nine pressing global climate security trends and...
The climate diplomacy podcast gives insights into the latest developments in international climate diplomacy. Our hosts Raquel Munayer and Alexandra Steinkraus...
Climate diplomats have finished another two weeks of intense negotiations in the German city of Bonn, discussing global efforts to cut emissions and protect...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we showcase the Roadmap for Somalia, the latest in a series of climate security policy roadmaps by adelphi and CGIAR. Our...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we highlight a water management conflict in Central Asia involving neighbouring states Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. While...
This edition of the Environment, Conflict and Cooperation newsletter brings to you insights from the field of climate diplomacy coming from South America, the...
During this panel, recorded during the 2023 edition of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference (BCSC), speakers discussed the climate crisis as one of the...
WATCH: This video is the opening speech and welcome speech to the 2023 edition of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference (BCSC). Speeches were given by...
The COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace was formally launched at COP28 on 3 December to focus on climate finance for highly vulnerable...
As the hottest year recorded on Earth slowly comes to an end, world leaders gather in Dubai for COP28, which promises to bring more concrete action around loss...
On 6 October, the climate security community of practice met in Berlin to examine the most urgent and cutting-edge issues in climate and security today, to...
A UN-level agreement on the Loss and Damage Fund to compensate vulnerable countries for natural disasters caused by climate change opens the way for higher...