Cascades 2023 Roadshow of Research and Policy Results
13 - 14 June: Cascading and tipping interactions in the climate and social systems
The goal of this event is to share and discuss the results of the CASCADES project with the community of the relevant researchers and stakeholders in Austria, with an emphasis on young and emerging leaders in the national landscape. A particular focus is on lessons learned, remaining research and knowledge gaps, next steps, and future strategies to navigate the EU through turbulent times ahead.
Location: University Of Graz, Graz, Austria
26 June: Cascades: resilience to climate risks that cross borders
In 2023, the direct impacts of climate change – such as droughts, floods, and wildfires – have become impossible to ignore. Climate impacts are not confined within national borders however, but can cascade across and between continents, escalating through security relations, international trade, financial markets, international aid operations and displacement of people.
Drawing on four years of interdisciplinary research, this event will explore emerging recommendations on how governments in Europe and beyond can prepare to meet the challenge of cross-border cascading risks. It will both propose and explore concrete ways for policymakers and societies to build capacity to manage such risks in the years ahead.
Location: Chatham House, London, UK
12 September: How can Sweden respond to cascading climate risk?
This 2-3 hour seminar will ask target “risk owners” in Sweden, from government and the private sector, who will need to collaborate to build resilience to cascading climate change impacts. It will ask: what are the overarching recommendations from the CASCADES project for building resilience in Europe? Which actors in Sweden need to collaborate to build resilience, and how? How can Sweden work with partner countries in the Nordic region, the EU and beyond to build resilience?
Location: Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
25 September: Enhancing European financing for adaptation to cascading climate risks
Development and climate finance are increasingly interlinked in the international agenda. While climate mitigation should remain a key goal, adaptation and resilience to increasing climate risks has become a priority for many developing countries. The aim of this workshop is two-fold: i) address how financial institutions, and development finance institutions in particular, can better assess and integrate climate risks in their risk strategies and methodologies, and ii) identify how European development finance institutes (DFIs) and multilateral development banks (MDBs) can more effectively scale up adaptation and resilience finance.
Location: European Centre for Development Policy Management, Brussels, Belgium
16 - 18 October: Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond
This conference aims to bring together scientists across disciplines that work on approaches to better understand and respond/adapt to cross-border climate impacts and risks. The conference also seeks to identify knowledge gaps and directions for future research. Research presented in the conference will highlight what needs arise from a consideration of cross-border climate impacts, how to design research that is actionable for decision-making or how to improve the monitoring of risks.
Location: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany
TBC October: Climate change, development and security in the Central Sahel
This briefing will target various Brussels-based EU actors active in the Sahel, following the workshop in Dakar in March, and will build on a policy brief currently being prepared by CASCADES researchers.
Location: European Centre for Development Policy Management, Brussels, Belgium
More information on the event series available here