The climate crisis threatens peace and stability. The Climate Diplomacy and Security team at adelphi aims to enable a foreign and security policy that addresses...
Severe climate change impacts in Iraq are reshaping its social and economic landscapes. Among those most acutely affected are farmers in the Dhi Qar and Missan...
Amid mounting climate- and environmental- risks in Yemen, the European Institute of Peace (EIP) is streamlining climate considerations into local and national...
Contrairement aux idées reçues, le lac Tchad ne disparaît pas mais connaît plutôt des fluctuations saisonnières complexes, avec un stockage total d'eau en...
The World Coalition for Peace with Nature, living well in balance and in Harmony with Mother Earth is a call for action to enhance national and international...
The international community has so far been unable to keep pace with the increasing scale, speed, and complexity of environmental and climate risks facing...
In the first edition of the year we focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. We also look into biodiversity's role in...
The climate diplomacy podcast gives insights into the latest developments in international climate diplomacy. Our hosts Raquel Munayer and Alexandra Steinkraus...