Environment, Conflict and Cooperation (ECC) Exhibition
We face unprecedented environmental pressures and climate extremes. Destructive storms and deadly floods have devastated parts of the Caribbean, North America and South Asia, while drought and desertification in the Sahel push thousands of people towards extreme hunger.
These changes are threatening the essential resources — fertile land and fresh water — that we all depend on, increasing poverty and damaging livelihoods for millions of people. In addition, these impacts heighten tensions between groups, fuelling political and economic instability and exacerbating conflict. In turn, instability can make it hard to manage natural resources sustainably, creating a downward spiral — which is especially dangerous for already fragile countries. These compound pressures can create an unholy brew, opening up dangerous security vacuums that threaten international peace and stability.
We need to cooperate to reduce the risks to peoples’ lives and livelihoods. Collaborative efforts — ranging from transboundary river basin commissions to local peace committees to neighbourhood greening initiatives — bring people together across political and social boundaries to respond to environmental change. Only by working together can we meet this complex and critical challenge and pave the way towards a resilient future.

The exhibition poses three key questions
- How will increased environmental pressures affect peace and security?
- How does a changing climate threaten lives and livelihoods?
- How can we build resilience against global warming?
...is the ability of individuals, communities, and states to absorb and recover from shocks, while positively adapting to long-term changes and transforming core structures and institutions to prepare for the future to long-term changes and transforming core structures and institutions to prepare for the future.
An astronaut's perspective
In this interview, European Space Agency astronaut André Kuipers gives perspectives on environmental degradation and climate change as seen from space. Pointing out the various ways in which human activities impact planet Earth, he emphasises the need for new approaches to safeguard ecosystems.
This interview has been conducted at the Planetary Security Conference in The Hague, 2-3 November 2015.
On Tour

Berlin Exhibition July 2019
- During the Berlin Climate and Security Conference on 4 July 2019 at the Weltsaal of the German Federal Foreign Office

Mexico City Exhibition April 2019
- At the opening event of the exhibition in the Chamber of Deputies of the Honorable Congress of the Union, with the participation of Deputy Sergio Mayer Breton, Deputy Xochitl Zagal Ramirez, Dr Jakob Haselhuber (Embassy of Germany) and Ms Iris Jimenez Castillo (SEMARNAT)

New York Exhibition 2018
- At the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Santa Rosa de Copán Exhibition 2018
- At the II National Climate Change Congress of Honduras hosted by the Ministry of Environment and during the EU Climate Diplomacy Week

Songdo Exhibition 2017
- At the Green Climate Fund (GCF) headquarters in Sondgo, Incheon
- Launched by Javier Manzanares, GCF’s Deputy Executive Director, Weert Börner, Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy in Seoul and Sang-Bum Lee, Director General of the Environment Greenery Bureau of Incheon Metropolitan City

Canberra Exhibition 2017
- At the Australian Defence Force Academy during the EU Climate Diplomacy Week
- Opened formally by H.E. Sem Fabrizi, EU Ambassador and Vice Chief of Defence Vice Admiral Ray Griggs

Bucharest Exhibition September 2016
- ECC Exhibition in Bucharest, at the event “Reduce your carbon footprint 2016” during the EU Climate Diplomacy Week

Manipal University, Karnataka Exhibition April 2016
- More than 1,000 visitors
- Accompanied by a comprehensive lecture series on Environment, Conflict and Cooperation in India

Santiago de Chile Exhibition 2016
- 10-20 May 2016: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Chile hosts the Exhibition
- Launch event with Waldemar Coutts, Director of Environment and Maritime Affairs, MFA Chile, and Rolf Schulze, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Santiago de Chile

Lima Exhibition November 2016
- Exhibition the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP)
- At the closing event, the former Minister of Envornment of Peru Manuel Pulgar-Vidal highlighted the importance of the Paris Agreement as well as implementation challenges.

New York City Exhibition 2014
- Event in the UN Building in October 2014

New Delhi Exhibition 2012
- Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, February 2012
- More than 1,000 visitors
- Speakers include Nobel laureates and other leading figures from prestigious academic institutions and the private sector

Porto Alegre Exhibition 2012
- World Social Forum
- 20,000 participants from 200 Brazilian an international groups and visitors
- Preparation of civil society groups for Rio+20
- Speakers from Oxfam, Vitae Civilis and Instituto Socioambiental

Zhuhai Exhibition 2011
- During Annual Conference CSSD in November 2011
- Opening event with UN Under-Secretary-General Sha Zukang, and Dr Peng Sizhen, Vice General-Secretary of CSSD and Vice-Director of ACCA21 2,000 high-ranking Chinese representatives from politics, science, civil society and the economy

Durban Exhibition 2011
- Climate Response Expo Durban, COP17 in December 2012
- More than 14,000 participants at COP17
- Side event: Climate Diplomacy in Perspective: From Warning to Early Action
About the touring exhibition
This touring exhibition Environment, Conflict and Cooperation was developed by adelphi and is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. Regional elements were developed in collaboration with regional partners: The Energy Research Institute (TERI) in India, Vitae Civilis in Brazil, OneWorld in South Africa, the Chinese Society for Sustainable Development (CSSD) in China, University of the South Pacific (USP) in Fiji, and Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano (FFLA) in Ecuador. The exhibition is regularly displayed around the world.

Our Regional Partners

The exhibition "Environment, Conflict and Cooperation" has been displayed about 50 times in the last ten years. In five languages! You can host the exhibition at your organisation – whether it is a company, public agency, educational institution or information point. The exhibition has been shown during international conferences, workshops and special events such as the European Climate Diplomacy Week.
The exhibition is currently available in English, Spanish, and French. We can provide flyers and posters in these languages to facilitate your outreach. We would be happy to support you in organising accompanying events, such as panel discussions or conferences.
The modular concept of this exhibition allows its structure to be adapted to your spatial and thematic requirements. See the exhibition themes and regional perspectives on this website for an overview on topics covered.
Technical data and set-up requirements
Space requirements: The exhibition consists of 5 modules with an additional regional module, if suitable for your event. It is an aluminium construction covered with plastic display panels. Each of these modules is 2.4 metres high and 0.6 metres wide while the length varies from 1.2 to 2.4 metres. The exhibition needs a space indoors of about 60-100 square metres with electricity supply, as it includes lights to create a very special, airy effect.
Transport: The components are packed in two large crates (100x80x75 centimetres each). Total weight is about 200 kilogrammes. We are happy to assist with international transportation, please contact us for further detail.
Set-up: The modules are very simple to assemble. No special skills and no tools are required. However, two people usually work for 6-8 hours to set-up the exhibition’s six modules. Disassembly is somewhat quicker with 4-6 hours.
If you are interested in displaying the exhibition or have any related questions please contact:
Daria Ivleva
Alt-Moabit 91
10559 Berlin - Germany
Phone +49 (0) 30 89 000 68-76
Fax +49 (0) 30 89 000 68-10
E-mail ivleva@adelphi.de