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Gender in Food, Land and Water Systems Conference 2025

7-9 October 2025
Cape Town, South Africa

The 2025 biennial CGIAR gender research conference will be held from 7-9 October 2025 in Cape Town, South Africa. The theme for the conference is 'Accelerating equality in food, land, and water systems: Driving solutions through evidence and learning'

The year 2025 marks the beginning of the final five years of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs. Achieving SDG 5—gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls—seems out of reach by 2030. Yet, greater gender equality and inclusion are essential for attaining all other SDGs. 

The poly-crises of COVID-19, climate change, conflict, and food crises have not only halted but, in many cases, reversed progress toward gender equality. In agri-food systems, unequal gender and social relations undermine responses to these crises and hinder the resilience of rural communities and landscapes. A 2023 estimate suggests that an extra $360 billion per year is needed to achieve gender equality and empower women by 2030. 

The international conference  "Accelerating Equality in Food, Land, and Water Systems: Driving solutions through Evidence and Learning" follows the tradition of the biennial CGIAR GENDER conferences. It will bring together researchers from various organizations (academia, NARES, NGOs, and CSOs) and knowledge users (policymakers, practitioners, private sector actors, local and indigenous communities and others) who work toward creating innovations and generating evidence to transform food systems.

Discussions will focus on refreshing, innovating, and accelerating progress in gender equality and social inclusion within food, land, and water systems, crucial for a sustainable, climate-resilient world free from hunger and malnutrition. Furthermore, we aim at ‘raising awareness of and directing policy attention to the barriers and challenges that women farmers face across agrifood systems, as well as the initiatives, policies and actions that can and are being taken to address these issues and achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women in agriculture (UNGA A/RES/78/279)’ in anticipation of the International Year of the Woman Farmer, 2026

The conference will be held in Cape Town, South Africa  and is co-organized by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform and partners.

CGIAR has a strong in-country presence through centers like the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) regional office in Pretoria, South Africa. Since its establishment, IWMI has brought together international and local specialists to address regional and national challenges in integrated water, land, and food management within the Southern African Development Community (SADC).  IWMI is therefore well poised as the CGIAR local hosting institution for the conference. 

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