Humanitarian Energy Conference 2019
The HEC is a critical opportunity for this diverse community to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and collaborate towards achieving the vision of affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern services for all crisis-affected people by 2030.
The 2019 Humanitarian Energy Conference is a joint production of the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) Humanitarian Working Group and the Global Plan of Action for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Situations of Displacement (GPA). It is hosted by the Clean Cooking Alliance and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), with support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Shell International, and the IKEA Foundation.
The Humanitarian Energy Conference aims to bring together the entire global community of actors who are working to improve and expand energy access for displaced and crisis-affected people and leverage their collective expertise to advance the sector. Specifically, the conference aims to:
- Facilitate an open and strategic dialogue on safe and sustainable energy solutions for crisis-affected communities among numerous and diverse stakeholders;
- Foster coordination and partnerships between diverse stakeholders through networking and peer learning while emphasizing cross-sectoral approaches that can accelerate access to energy in humanitarian settings;
- Promote the exchange of information including best practices, lessons learned, evidence, initiatives, tools and other resources, along with ongoing efforts;
- Develop innovative solutions to existing challenges in the humanitarian energy space through structured and collaborative expert-led sessions.
[This information was taken from]