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Programme to strengthen the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral households to climate crises and insecurity (RESILIA) Phase 1

This programme supports pastoralists and agro pastoralists in adapting their livestock farming practices and means of subsistence to the climatic challenges and improving their living conditions, while promoting peace in Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso, Africa

Insecurity and the adverse effects of climate change have led to humanitarian and agro-pastoral crises in the traditional livestock farming regions of the Sahel and the North. Pastoralists, most of whom come from areas facing major security challenges, are often stigmatised as members of violent extremist groups, and are victims of extortion and theft of their livestock. For these reasons, they tend to leave their home areas affected by insecurity to migrate with their herds to the southern border regions and coastal countries.

The southern border regions, which have a tradition of farming, have become reception, transit and departure areas for transhumant herds. Livestock farmers in these regions face major challenges such as strong agricultural land pressure, or the degradation of grazing land. These constraints limit the mobility of herds for grazing and livestock trading. This situation leads to recurring violent conflicts between herders and farmers, undermining the social cohesion of communities.

To support livestock farmer’s adaptation to climate change, the programme will support local authorities and livestock farmers' organisations in restoring and regenerating degraded pastoral areas to secure livestock feed, thereby helping to reduce their vulnerability to climate shocks. To mitigate climate change, sedentary rural households and young people's farming businesses will be supported in converting cattle dung into renewable energy (biogas) in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation (energy for cooking). In addition, RESILIA is supporting the Ministry of Livestock in revising and adapting the National Pastoralism Law (LORP) to take into account climate change considerations and insecurity. RESILIA is supporting pastoralist organisations to participate in this new law and advocate for their interests.

Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of pastoral livestock farming in the Sahel, Switzerland will support pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in their efforts to ensure peaceful transhumance and to add value to animal products. Switzerland's added value will be the inclusion of animal feed in the national food security system to protect the livestock of pastoralists. Furthermore, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists, particularly young people and women, in the southern border regions will be able to make better use of animal products (meat, milk, etc.) and improve their income as well as their food and nutritional security. An institutional, regulatory and political framework will promote the development of pastoral livestock farming and improve the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts at national level

Contact person and email:

Kassoum Ouédraogo, 

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C4P_RESILIA_Utilisation du service Garbal par un éleveur pasteur


Supported by Switzerland

Type: Practice, Dialogue/advocacy, Process

Relevant action areas: 1. Aligning ambition and action; 3. Climate security risk-informed resilience and adaptation; 4. Climate security risk-informed peace; 5. Knowledge and experience sharing; 6. Cooperation through dialogue; 7. Political leadership

Location of project:Burkina Faso

Duration: 2021-2024

Partners: Netherlands Development Organization (SNV)

Key activities: transhumance, institutional, regulatory and political framework, pastoral livestock farming, prevention