Currently, 90% of climate finance targets middle-income, high emission-producing countries leaving conflict-affected communities with a fraction of the needed...
This scoping study aims to assess the current context of shared climate-related security challenges in the Shar/Šara Mountains and Korab Massif Area. This...
Climate change can impact security in a number of ways. The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA), in partnership...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we look at the big picture. The latest Weathering Risk report identifies nine pressing global climate security trends and...
The world is woefully off track when it comes to eliminating hunger and malnutrition, with one in 11 people going hungry in 2023 – a level that has remained...
The Weathering Risk synthesis report identifies nine pressing global climate security trends and opportunities based on 43 case studies, assessments, mapping...
The climate diplomacy podcast gives insights into the latest developments in international climate diplomacy. Our hosts Raquel Munayer and Alexandra Steinkraus...
Across the Atlantic, Colombia and Germany are setting course for a greener future, navigating the turbulent times of the energy transition. These two countries...
Climate uncertainty, when thrown into the mix of South Asia’s vast and varied geography, rich biodiversity, and complex socio-economic makeup, leads to an...
With the world at an inflection point in the global race to find solutions to the mounting climate change crisis, security experts Thomas Wuchte and Rehema Zaid...
Forecast dryness in the Black Sea region’s breadbasket is likely to stunt sunflower and corn yields, while heavy rain in the US after near-record temperatures...
The Bassari people, a farming community of about 20,000 people, live in an area between Senegal and Guinea. During French colonial rule, the Bassari lost part...