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Good environmental governance in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine

1 December 2022, , 10:00-12:30 CET

The online round table aims at presenting main conclusions of the Good Environmental Governance Assessment in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, as well as at discussing recommendations to reinforce the good environmental governance in the three EaP countries.

1 December 2022, 10:00-12:30 CET

The main conclusions of the policy paper on Good Environmental Governance in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine will be presented during the event.

Main discussion points:

  • What is the progress in reaching good environmental governance in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine?
  • How the russian aggression against Ukraine is affecting the compliance with the good environmental governance principles?
  • What are recommendations for main stakeholders how to reinforce the good environmental governance in the three EaP countries?
  • How the good environmental governance can help in ensuring green post-war reconstruction in the EaP region?

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