From climate change to biodiversity loss, food waste to conflict, these colliding disasters must be tackled together, and sustainable agrifood systems are key...
During the NATO summit in Vilnius on the 11th and 12th July, NATO Leaders discussed critical challenges in enhancing NATO’s deterrence and defence and fostering...
Climate change poses a risk to global food security. Weather and climate extremes, such as prolonged drought, heavy rainfall and heatwaves, can lead to harvest...
Pacific Island Countries have long identified climate change as a security threat, enshrining their position in the 2018 Boe Declaration on Regional Security...
The culmination of the IPCC Sixth Assessment cycle, the recently published synthesis report makes clear the contribution of climate change to global security.
The security risks in the Sahel are not in opposition to climatic concerns. Indeed, understanding them may help unlock the possibility of more lasting solutions...
The Summit in Madrid in June this year was NATO’s most important Summit since 9/11. In addition to the release of the new Strategic Concept, a radical change in...
Massive monsoon flooding has followed a severe drought in Pakistan’s Sindh province, with experts saying that climate change is making farming ‘more challenging...
In the African continent, where both slow and fast onset climate events undermine economic and political stability, the linkage between climate change and...
Increasing rates of both deforestation and violence in the Brazilian Amazon are being driven by sprawling national and transnational criminal networks, a study...
A regional consultation launched by OSCE and adelphi brought together stakeholders from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to...
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, food insecurity and food prices have become increasingly concerning. However, the focus has largely been on...
Much of the food that we consume today involves trade. However, climate targets, and the way in which emissions are reported, do not sufficiently reflect this...
With the Pacific region being particularly vulnerable to the security impacts of climate change, UNDP, IOM, adelphi and project partners will develop the first...
The UN Convention to Combat Desertification has long been the poor relation of environmental conventions, but the problems are now too vast to ignore at COP15...
If we are to halt global warming and prevent future climate-related security risks, states should embrace the framework of strategies laid out by the IPCC...
Biotechnology can aid conventional agriculture in major food producing countries such as Argentina by incorporating genetic material into crops. But its use is...
The climate data for 2021 is now mostly in, and it has proved to be another noteworthy year across the oceans, atmosphere, cryosphere and surface temperature of...