The Shatt al-Arab river forms part of the boundary between Iran and Iraq before flowing into the Persian Gulf. Due to its strategic importance, both countries...
Water-quality issues form an important part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Despite the efforts of the countries’ leaders to establish peace and to jointly...
Water sharing issues form an important part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The 1990s in particular witnessed extensive efforts to reach a peace agreement...
Turkey and Armenia succeeded in putting aside their tensions to continue cooperation over the Arpacay River on water-sharing issues. However, this cooperation...
From the 1960s to the 1990s, tensions among the co-riparian states of the Euphrates-Tigris Basin hampered cooperation over the rivers. Since 1999 , when Turkey...
The Turkish/Armenian case is a prominent example of how two co-riparians can put their tensions aside, work together in their mutual interest, and share...
The rivers of the Jordan system all have a transboundary nature, a configuration which requires cooperation amongst all co-riparians to achieve sustainable...
The Nile basin features significant conflict over access to and rights over the Nile water resources among its eleven riparian countries. The Nile Basin...
There has long been a conflict over water rights among the riparian countries of the Eastern Nile Basin (Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia). The dispute escalated in...
Jordan, located downstream of the Yarmouk River, is dependent on cooperation with its upstream neighbour Syria. Over the course of the 20th century, Jordan...
The Euphrates-Tigris basin is shared between Turkey, Syria and Iraq, with Iran comprising parts of the Tigris basin. Since the 1960s, unilateral irrigation...
Shell’s oil-exploitation activities in the Niger Delta in Nigeria have been destroying the ecosystem and livelihood of the population since the 1950s. After...
The Ferghana Valley, a single 300km geographical formation, has been a source of inter-ethnic conflict since the disintegration of the USSR and the partitions...
The proposed Kambar-Ata-1 Dam situated on the Naryn River in central Kyrgyzstan has been a source of tension between upstream Kyrgyzstan and downstream...
In 2000, privatisation of the drinking water in Cochabamba incurred violent protests and escalated into the so-called Water War of Cochabamba, which killed at...
In 2010, the planning and construction of a new aqueduct sparked protest and political unrest among various stakeholders. However, this unrest was especially...
Distributions of water resources in the Lake Chad Basin have varied significantly over the past half century. Many of changes have been attributed to Climate...
The ongoing construction of the Santa Rita Dam Project has sparked severe unrest among affected communities, state authorities and corporations involved in the...
Since 1997, the two villages of Quradah and Al-Marzooh in the Jabal Sabr Mountain are fighting over access to water. Plans for an upstream diversion of a spring...
Plans to build the Hatgyi Dam in the middle of a civil war zone in the state of Karen in Myanmar, led to violence between the Myanmar Army and the rebel...