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Yosr Khèdr

Yosr Khèdr is a Project Assistant at adelphi's Climate Diplomacy and Security Programme. As a Master’s student of interdisciplinary African studies, with a focus on epistemic injustice and decoloniality in climate-conflict knowledge production, her topical interests include local peacebuilding and mediation in climate-affected contexts, issues at the intersection of climate, youth, peace and security, and the climate-displacement-conflict nexus, especially in fragility-affected contexts in Africa.

Yosr Khèdr (adelphi)

Publications and articles

Weathering Risk builds the evidence base for the Common African Position on Climate, Peace and Security

The Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment (ACRA) is the first comprehensive study of climate, peace and security across Africa. It was led by the African Union Commission, implemented by adelphi together with co-authors from various regional governmental and non-governmental organisations from across the continent and endorsed by the African Union Peace and Security Council.