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Clement Iraola

Clément Iraola is an Advisor in the Climate Diplomacy and Security team at adelphi. Clément has experience in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, migration, and climate change. He possesses a background in research, policy advising, humanitarian work and advocacy, with a sustained commitment and passion to integrating climate-related risks into conflict prevention and resolution efforts.

With hands-on experience in conflict-affected countries of East and Central Africa, Clément's primary interest lies in elucidating the intricate connections between climate-related changes and conflict dynamics across the African continent. Specifically, his research focuses on conflict and risk analysis, climate-related migration and environmental peacebuilding (land conflict, mining, nature conservation, etc.).

Clément is utterly convinced that providing guidance for practitioners and policy makers to implement climate- and conflict-sensitive programmes in conflict-affected and fragile contexts will contribute to increase local resilience and peace.