A Call for Action: Prospects of new alliances around climate and security
This side event will take stock of progress made at the international level on climate, peace and security. It will discuss potential pathways for action how to deal with climate-security risks in Latin America and beyond - this includes the UN Security Council as one forum among others.
The side event will take place on 11 December 2019 between 15:30-17:00 in the German Pavilion.
- Adriana Abdenur – Coordinator of Peace and Security at the Brazilian Igarapé Institute
- Rosario del Carmen Gómez Jórdan – Director of Climatology at the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH), Guatemala
- Michaela Spaeth – Deputy Director-General for Energy and Climate Policy at Federal Foreign Office
- Alfonso Galarce Jaramillo – Officer at the Climate Change Office of the Chilean Ministry of the Environment
- Dennis Tänzler (facilitator) – Director of International Climate Policy at adelphi
For more information, please contact Dennis Tänzler, adelphi (taenzler@adelphi.de).