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Climate Security Priorities for Peacebuilding in Mali

15 March 2022, 14:30 - 15:30 CET

As part of the Fragility Forum 2022, Weathering Risk will co-host a moderated interactive discussion sensitising policymakers and practitioners to near-medium term climate fragility risks for Mali’s development and security.

The impacts of climate change will worsen over the coming decades, and societies facing the dual risks of fragility, conflict and violence (FCV) and climate change impacts already fill the top ranks of fragility lists. 

As long as climate-fragility impacts remain under-analysed and insufficiently addressed, FCV programming is susceptible to these risks in the long term and will fail to capitalize on opportunities to build peace and resilience through risk-informed programming. For programming to be resilient, practitioners and policy makers need to future proof FCV-context programming to account for climate fragility and security risks. 

As part of the Fragility Forum 2022, Weathering Risk will convene a moderated interactive discussion sensitising policymakers and practitioners to near-medium term climate fragility risks for Mali’s development and security. The discussion will be fed by the presentation of a Mali Case Study developed under Weathering Risk lead by adelphi and PIK.

The session will take place online on Tuesday 15 March from 14.30 - 15.30 (CET) / 09:30 - 10:30 (EST).

Register for the event here.

The discussion seeks to 1) encourage participants and observers to have better informed, concrete, and multidimensional perspectives on how and why climate security risks should be approached, addressed and considered in their programming and decision-making processes; and 2) to advance discussions on the relevance and importance of climate security and their impacts on stability and development in FCV susceptible countries.

It aims to ensure that adequate analysis based on meaningful engagement among all relevant stakeholders informs policy and practice, and that synergies between climate and peace programming are enhanced.



Register for the event here.

Please note that participation in this session is only possible once you have registered for the forum and have added the Weathering Risk session to your calendar.

For further enquiries, please contact Spencer McMurray: