ECC Exhibition in San Salvador
Dealing with themes such as water, natural resources and climate change, the exhibition shows how environmental degradation and resource scarcity can spark conflict and create new security risks. It also highlights the role that environmental cooperation and sustainable development can play in promoting peace and stability. The exhibition has been shown in more than 40 cities worldwide since 2005.
- 16 to 20 October 2017: the ECC exhibition is hosted bySistema de la Integración Centroamericana - SICA
- 20 October 2017: 4pm - special dialogue The Climate-Related Challenges of SICA Members and the Support by the International Community (“Los desafíos de los países miembros del SICA ante el Cambio Climático y el apoyo de la comunidad Internacional”) in the room Presidente Francisco Morazán at SICA
Guest Speaker: Lina Pohl, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador
Panelists: Werner Vargas, Executive Director of SICA; Salvador E. Nieto, Executive Director of Central American Comission of Environment and Development (Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo - CCAD)
- 23 to 27 October 2017: the ECC exhibition is hosted byUniversidad Centroamericana - UCA
- 27 October 2017: 4pm - special dialogue “Dinámica de Exclusión y Degradación Ambiental en El Salvador, Desafíos y Oportunidades” in the ICAS auditorium at UCA.