Geneva Peace Week 2023
Geneva Peace Week is a leading annual forum in the international peacebuilding calendar through which organizations in Geneva and their international partners come together to share knowledge and practice on a diverse range of topics related to peace across contexts and disciplines. Topics this year will follow three thematic tracks:
- Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies
- Addressing climate change through just transitions
- Harnessing technologies to build a better future
adelphi events at the Geneva Peace Week:
- 1 November, 09:00 - 10:30
Critical Connections: Tracing the links between climate, conflict, and fragility
This session will examine different approaches and tools from Mercy Corps, CDA Collaborative, adelphi, and UNDP for understanding the intersection of climate, peace, fragility, and security. Speakers will consider how these assessments overlap and diverge in terms of purpose, audience, and intended action. By recognising the utility of different approaches and applications, we will identify where we should build broader awareness, untapped areas for collaboration, improved communication and replicability.
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- 1 November, 15:00 - 17:45
Action Library: Peace practice around the world
The Action Library is a unique opportunity to dive into four case studies of peace practice from around the world: Haiti, the Amazon Basin, Liptako Gourma, and beyond. The special hybrid event format will create space for attendees to have smaller group discussions with experts in the room in Geneva, as well as experts coming from the different regions online.
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