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Advancing the International Environment, Peace and Security Agenda

Advancing the Environment, Peace and Security Agenda at the UN and beyond

PAX’s policy report examines pathways for establishing, operationalizing and mainstreaming the EPS agenda across the UN system to foster greater coherence and impact. It maps current key actors and policy processes across four key areas of the EPS agenda:

  1. Environmental governance and resilience building
  2. Environmental and humanitarian action
  3. Environmental and climate considerations in UN’s peace and security architecture
  4. Legal and normative frameworks for environmental protection and accountability for conflict-linked damage

While much of the work required to deal with the EPS-related issues is already underway, existing efforts face numerous obstacles and limitations, which are analysed in depth in the report. 

To overcome those gaps and limitations and better integrate the EPS agenda within the UN and beyond, it is important not only to upscale, strengthen, and expand the existing efforts, but also to consider new solutions for improving the international community’s capacities to tackle environmental and climate concerns in conflict and at-risk settings. In this policy report, PAX suggests specific pathways, directed at mainstreaming the EPS considerations throughout the UN system, building up capacity and expertise of relevant stakeholders, enhancing coordination and data-sharing mechanisms, improving funding flows, and meaningful engagement with local stakeholders to drive sustainable and effective action on EPS issues. The policy report contains specific recommendations for UN Member States, international donors, and UN bodies. 

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