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Global (Dis)Order Conference

13 – 15 January 2025
10-11 Carlton House Gardens, London, UK

Today’s international system is in flux and fragmenting with the need to navigate competing power aspirations, modes of order and national interests. Change is happening to global order and there is a clear need to explore and understand the implications and lessons of reordering and disorder (positive, negative or otherwise). In this context, the British Academy and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace established a new multi-year international policy programme on Global (Dis)Order.

adelphi at the Global (Dis)Order Conference

  • 15 January, 11:45-13:00 
    A more insecure securitising world 
    Chair: Christine Chinkin, London School of Economics & Political Science
    Richard Gowan, International Crisis Group
    Janani Vivekananda, adelphi
    Robert Muggah; Instituto Igarapé 

Details of the Conference

The purpose of the Global (Dis)Order Conference is to generate fresh insights and creative thinking that improves our collective understanding of the current moment and suggests possible pathways for international cooperation on shared challenges. Achieving this result will require us to marshal diverse perspectives and visions from around the world, as well as expertise that bridges the worlds of research, policy, and practice. It also requires us to take a long view, to better understand the historical antecedents and precedents for contemporary geopolitical, economic, political, societal, technological, ecological, and other trends, as well as how they might be addressed most effectively.

More information

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