Planetary Security Conference 2017
adelphi is part of a consortium of leading think tanks operating the PSI, which was launched by The Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Annual conferences form the core of the PSI, providing a regular opportunity for researchers and practitioners on climate change and security to meet, exchange information and increase cooperation. Interactive workshops enable dialogue on the climate-security linkages in specific issues and regions to identify entry points and actionable areas for policy and response.
Now in its third year, the conference of 2017 will see discussions focus on practical approaches, solutions and best practice. It will zoom in on three regions where the climate-security relationship is particularly pressing: the Lake Chad region, Iraq and Mali. The 2017 conference will moreover discuss how climate change affects the security opportunities and challenges of migration, as well as urbanisation and its security dynamics. adelphi is designing and organising workshops at the annual conference, preparing background reports and facilitating the community of practice that the PSI brings together at both the annual conference and beyond at other important international events and regional consultations.
Over the past ten years, both the understanding and awareness of the relationship between climate change and security have increased tremendously, with the UN Security Council, the African Union and the G7 discussing the resulting risks, among others. The PSI aims to further enhance political awareness and involvement on the climate-security interface, to consolidate an inclusive community of practice that is multi-lateral, multi-sector and multi-disciplinary and to create a regular platform for international cooperation on planetary security. By developing and promoting policies and good practice the PSI supports governments, the private sector and implementing agencies to better secure peace and cooperation in regions adversely affected by climate change.
Watch Alexander Verbeek, Founder of the Institute for Planetary Security, who shares his vision for the community of practice:
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