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Katarina Schulz

Katarina Schulz is a Project Manager at adelphi's Climate Diplomacy and Security Programme where she works on projects at the intersection of climate, foreign and development policy. In her research, she focuses on the fragility risks of climate change impacts for societies, communities and livelihoods. She has been part of the Climate Diplomacy knowledge platform’s editorial team for several years.


Pandemic stress test reveals multilateralism’s worth

The novel corona virus has had the world in its grip for months. Most countries’ immediate response was to focus on internal issues: they resorted to nationalistic approaches, closing borders and even competing for equipment, even though a multilateral approach was necessary. In the longer term, will this crisis strengthen the ties between nations? Or exacerbate the flaws of today’s multilateralism?


Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: El Salvador

Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: El Salvador

Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: El Salvador

El Salvador is one of the countries forming the Central American Dry Corridor. The Central American Dry Corridor faces poor distribution of irregular rain, drought, environmental degradation and low crop yields, which creates vulnerability. El Salvador is caught in a vicious circle of poverty, migration and violence, and this convergence implies that the country is fragile to climate change impacts undermining human security.

Climate change and security - THE HANDBOOK

This manual is a compilation of introductory texts and the most relevant reports in the field of climate change and security. It covers the issue of how climate change converges with other global pressures, such as population growth, uncontrolled urbanisation, increased demand for resources and environmental degradation, to exacerbate global security challenges and intensify instability in fragile societies.


Responsible business conduct in the extractive and minerals sector in Latin America and the Caribbean


Natural resources play an important role for growth and development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The region is home to extensive reserves of metals and minerals, including those that will be critical in the transition to greener and more sustainable energy sources. Oil and gas reserves are also significant. Moreover, production is likely to increase with several large mining projects being developed in some countries, and unconventional hydrocarbon resource discoveries and production techniques, such as deepwater drilling and shale, are also expected to further increase the oil and gas potential. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of responsible business conduct (RBC) issues, initiatives and policies in the extractive sector in the region and encourages countries and actors in the region to use RBC as a tool for inclusive and sustainable development.

Thumbnail_Summary_Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020

Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 - Summary

Thumbnail_Summary_Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020

The first part of the 2020 Berlin Climate and Security Conference took place online on June 23 and 24, 2020, bringing together leading figures from governments, international organisations and the scientific community through two sessions on the state of the art of climate and security and a high-level political segment. This summary outlines the highlights of the conference.