Addressing the Land Degradation – Migration Nexus: The Role of the UNCCD

The first part of the report provides a review of existing evidence on the complex interrelationships between migration and DLDD. The review shows the complexities that underpin population movements in the context of DLDD, by highlighting that the specific impacts of DLDD on migration depend not only on people’s geographical exposure to risk, but crucially also on their pre-existing vulnerabilities.
The second part compiles evidence from around the world on good practices and lessons learned to combat DLDD as a driver of migration; and enhance migration’s adaptive potential to DLDD. This section draws on a call for contributions launched by the UNCCD alongside a review of existing published evidence.
The third part of the report focuses on policy recommendations to avert, minimize and address the adverse consequences of DLDD on migration. These recommendations target UNCCD Parties and other relevant stakeholders.
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[This description was extracted from the report's executive summary]