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Call for Papers: Environment and Security in Latin America

There is growing attention on the potential of environmental factors to play a significant role on the security of communities and nations. In the Latin American region, environmental and natural resource aspects have since long played a major part in conflict and security outcomes. Intense demands on the environment, existing social disparities, grievances and ongoing conflict in the region, and climate change as an impending threat multiplier add to the complexity faced by the countries of Latin America.

Against this background, the Universidad de los Andes and adelphi have published a call for academic papers on the topic of Environment and Security in Latin America to be published on the Journal Colombia Internacional. For this special edition of the journal, adelphi’s managing director Alexander Carius and Angelika Rettberg, director of the Program on Armed Conflict and Peacebuilding (ConPaz) at the Universidad de los Andes, are guest editors.

Topics for the original manuscripts can include, among others, the relationship between security and environment and natural resources in Latin America, the role of natural resource availability and climate change in conditioning, risking and avoiding conflict, and the peacebuilding potential of environmental issues.

Manuscripts submitted for the special edition can be in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The selection of papers will follow a peer review process. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2012.

For further information, please see the call for papers.

For further information on the Journal Colombia Internacional, please visit