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The Climate-Gender-Conflict Nexus


This report, based on a comprehensive desk review and case study analysis, aims to further address gaps in the literature by providing an overview of the linkages within the climate-gender-conflict nexus and investigating how these play out differently across three diverse contexts.

Chapter 1 of the report explores the linkages between climate change and conflict and how gender is a cross-cutting lens through which people experience both issues.

Chapter 2 investigates the gaps in frameworks, policy, knowledge, and evidence within the climate-gender-conflict nexus. It outlines that while commitments and action continue to advance gender equality globally, policymakers and practitioners are siloed in their respective climate, gender, and security spheres.

Chapter 3 studies how the dynamics of climate change and conflict are unfolding in Colombia, Sudan, and Nepal and how in each case, women are contributing to enhanced peace and sustainability in their local communities despite gendered obstacles.

The final chapter of the report is a real-time call for policymakers and practitioners to invest in research and policy within the climate-gender-conflict nexus and address five priority areas of action:

  • Buffer the disproportionate vulnerabilities women bear from climate change impacts.
  • Center women as crucial actors in climate, peace, and security.
  • Strengthen linkages between the different levels and sectors in the climate-gender-conflict nexus.
  • Address knowledge gaps within the nexus.
  • Promote women’s leadership in climate-related conflict mitigation and prevention and reduce barriers to inclusion.

Download the report here.


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