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Senate Hearing: DoD’s Preparation for Climate Change’s Impacts on Security

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense met on May 21st, 2014 to receive testimony from several Department of Defense officials on the Department’s Operational Energy programs and the incorporation of climate change into strategic planning. The DoD officials spoke mostly of increasing efficiency, adaptability, and flexibility in operational energy programs. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Dennis McGinn’s opening statement detailed the Navy’s plan to purchase domestically produced alternative fuel to minimize the uncertainties connected to the global petroleum supply chain and account for price volatility.

mcginnMcGinn testified that the Navy will start integrating advanced alternative fuels into its normal supply chain next year at a cost that is competitive with petroleum. These fuels will have “drop-in” capability, allowing current infrastructure and vehicles to use the fuels without modification. In response to a question posed by Subcommittee Vice Chairman Thad Cochran about reducing the environmental impact of training and operating bases in the U.S., McGinn cited the Navy’s increased use of simulations to reduce fuel consumption and curb carbon emissions. McGinn also highlighted how the Navy is improving efficiency through new technologies like stern flaps on ships that reduce fuel use as well as improving the culture of the Navy to get sailors and marines to use energy wisely.

According to McGinn, the Navy has also made strides in water consumption reduction. The Navy and Marine bases in California have reduced their water consumption overall by 25% over the last 5 years and plan to lower that number by an additional 20%. He went on to suggest large scale desalination plants powered by renewable energy to remedy the looming possibility of water shortages in the future. These shortages, in combination with natural disasters and other adverse effects of climate change, can destabilize fragile societies and even lead to regional war. It is for this reason that McGinn named climate change a serious threat to U.S. security.

For the complete article, please see American Security Project.