Study finds populations of some higher-altitude districts in Himalayan state have already dropped. Over the next 30 years, climate change is expected to...
Abror Gafurov, a hydrologist at GFZ-Potsdam, the national research centre for earth sciences in Germany, tells The Third Pole what the latest research shows...
Even as Pakistan's questions about Indian hydropower projects went unanswered, both sides at the Indus Waters Treaty meeting showed an intention to engage.
This report consists of eight case studies on climate-induced displacement from across the Asia Pacific region. The case studies highlight the work currently...
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a prime example of how decarbonisation processes interact with geopolitics. The successful implementation of the Paris...
The current protests by Indian farmers against the passage of three laws have deep roots in income insecurity, which is driven by changing rainfall patterns and...
A lack of targeted policies to manage climate migration in South Asia is aggravating the vulnerabilities of various communities in the region. International and...
Extreme weather events such as droughts and floods are expected to become more severe under future climate conditions. This implies a concern for policymakers...
This interview with adelphi’s Daria Ivleva sheds light on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and its implications for EU-China relations and global climate...
President Xi Jinping’s announcement of a post-2030 climate target aligns with global projections for what’s needed to achieve the Paris Agreement goals
Tensions in the South China Sea increased last April when a Chinese coast guard ship sank a Vietnamese fishing boat near the Paracel Islands—a fiercely disputed...
Without a coordinated strategy to tackle flooding disasters beyond the traditional infrastructural measures and river water sharing agreements, South Asia’s...
Although Nepal’s overall security situation has improved considerably and is stable, important underlying drivers and structural causes of conflict still exist...