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Adrian Foong

Adrian Foong was a Consultant at adelphi working in the fields of climate, security, and diplomacy. With his passion and expertise in quantitative research, climate sciences, sustainable development, and international affairs, he is highly motivated to be involved in projects working on the links between climate, environment, and foreign policy, particularly with a focus on cooperation and security.


Emissions accounting in the food sector – an appetite for trade?

Much of the food that we consume today involves trade. However, climate targets, and the way in which emissions are reported, do not sufficiently reflect this. A new study in Nature Communications explores what it would mean to include trade in emissions accounting processes, specifically in the food sector, and what this would imply for a country’s responsibility in reducing emissions across the value chain.


Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Peace and Security across the African Continent ACCRA Report

Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment

Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Peace and Security across the African Continent ACCRA Report

The Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment (ACRA) is the first comprehensive study of climate security across Africa. It identifies climate security pathways across the African Union’s five regions and explores responses, good practices and recommendations, in order to inform the first Common African Position on climate change, peace and security.

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

This executive summary of the forthcoming African Climate Security Risk Assessment summarises insights on climate change, peace, and security in Africa. The report itself was requested by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU-PSC) and is the result of the collaboration between the African Union Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (AUC-PAPS) and adelphi.

CSEN Climate-Fragility Risk Brief Sudan

Climate-Fragility Risk Brief: Sudan

CSEN Climate-Fragility Risk Brief Sudan

In Sudan, the term ‘climate war’ has often been used to draw a direct causal link between climate change and conflict. In reality, these conflicts are far more complex, which can be traced back to a history of regional marginalisation, ethno-occupational tensions, and failures in governance. ​​​​​​​This climate-fragility risk brief outlines three ways in which climate change interacts with and contributes to conflict and fragility in Sudan, and two broad but interlinked levels of entry points for addressing climate-fragility risks in the country.

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