After EU Climate Diplomacy Days in 2014 and 2015, this year the EU is dedicating a whole week to this issue.
Missions from the EU and its Member States around the world will participate in reaching out to communities and organisations, highlighting positive global action on climate change.
On 17 October 2022, EU Member States formed an inclusive Group of Friends for an ambitious EU climate diplomacy to place climate at the heart of EU foreign and...
This report discusses the possible effects of climate change on issues at the core of European foreign, security, and development policy – livelihoods, food...
Contributing to the emerging literature on the geopolitical and foreign policy implications of decarbonisation and energy transition processes, this book sheds...
This paper explores the implications of COVID-19 on relevant EU policies and strategies that address the climate security nexus, focusing on three regions: the...
The key barrier to further, faster action against climate change is the lack of financial and technical support for green, resilient and just transitions...
Asserting its international role and enhancing climate action are critical to the foreign affairs of the European Union (EU). This should make the external...
Since the European Parliament issued its resolution on climate diplomacy in June 2018, several important trends have been shaping this area of the EU’s external...
In 2020 EPLO, together with adelphi and the Climate Diplomacy initiative, with support from the German Federal Foreign Office, organised two series of online...
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