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Lucas Destrijcker

Lucas Destrijcker was an Advisor at the Climate Diplomacy and Security programme, where he worked for the Climate Diplomacy knowledge platform and Weathering Risk. He is passionate about understanding how environmental impacts in times of climate change affect livelihoods, and peace and security, particularly in conflict-affected or fragile settings. He is interested in identifying and promoting evidence-based solutions to address existing risks.

TEAM bio Lucas Destrijcker


Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Peace and Security across the African Continent ACCRA Report

Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment

Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on Peace and Security across the African Continent ACCRA Report

The Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment (ACRA) is the first comprehensive study of climate security across Africa. It identifies climate security pathways across the African Union’s five regions and explores responses, good practices and recommendations, in order to inform the first Common African Position on climate change, peace and security.

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

African Climate Security Risk Assessment: Executive Summary

This executive summary of the forthcoming African Climate Security Risk Assessment summarises insights on climate change, peace, and security in Africa. The report itself was requested by the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU-PSC) and is the result of the collaboration between the African Union Commission for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (AUC-PAPS) and adelphi.


Climate security study: Kenya


This study identifies four interrelated climate security pathways that affect food systems, livelihood security and conflict in Kenya.


Key climate security actors and frameworks in Eastern Africa


This mapping exercise provides an overview of relevant actors and frameworks in Eastern Africa, focusing on the interlinkages between climate, peace and security in the region so that opportunities, challenges, entry points and targets for greater resource and capacity engagement can be targeted.


Climate, Peace and Security Assessment: Mali


Climate, Peace and Security Assessment: Mali is the first full-length national case study using the Weathering Risk methodology, combining state-of-the-art climate impacts data with on-the-ground conflict analysis. It provides a ground-breaking level of detail into a country long seen as a hotspot for compound climate change and conflict risks.


Anticipating Trends in the Sahel: Summary for Policy Makers


This report synthesises predictive analytics and strategic foresights to support the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) in promoting data-driven and evidence-based approaches in the Sahel, a region with numerous interconnected risks across the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding pillars.

Entry points and priorities for MINUSMA to address environmental and climate security in Mali

Since its deployment in 2013, the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has worked on ways to address security risks associated with the environment and the effects of climate change. This paper proposes practical ways for MINUSMA to operationalise parts of its mandate linked to the climate and environment, including guidance on the role of a specific environmental and climate security advisor.