Lisa Binder, Stephanie Gleixner, Christoph Gornott
Stefan Lange, Barbora Šedová, Julia Tomalka (PIK)
The Climate Risk Profile for Eastern Africa provides forward-looking data on the climate in Eastern Africa with the goal of supporting resilience-oriented short to long-term planning. The profile summarizes projected climate parameters and related sectoral impacts under two different emissions scenarios from now until 2080. This comprehensive climate risk analysis must be complimented with localised human security data and intersectional conflict analysis in order to effectively inform climate-security risk assessments and support risk-informed decision making in the region.
Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and more extreme weather events as a result of climate change pose existential challenges to Southern...
The Sahel faces mounting human security and development challenges due to the complex interplay of diverse and growing risks in the region, including climate...
The objective of this report is to support the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) in promoting data-driven and evidence-based approaches in the Sahel...
WATCH: In the last 50 years, the surface of Lake Chad shrank by 90%. Furthermore, Boko Haram terrorizes the local population. In this clip, Mamadou Diop, expert...
This Climate-Fragility profile is envisaged as a first component of a Climate-Fragility Risk Assessment process – a process for actors working in contexts...
Cape Town is dealing with one of the biggest climate change-linked water crises to face a modern city. This should serve as our wake-up call: we must transition...
The Lake Chad crisis is becoming one of the worst humanitarian disasters since World War II, and climate change is considered one of the drivers. In the four...
Climate scientists from several international agencies were ending a three-day conference in Nairobi, releasing a detailed study of the Kenyan drought whose...
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