Land remains the most fundamental asset for the majority of vulnerable populations living in developing countries, as their livelihoods are directly linked to...
Land is already under growing human pressure and climate change is adding to these pressures. The Special Report on Climate Change and Land, launched by the...
The severity of desertification and its mutual relationship with climate change cannot be overstated. In light of the recent launch of the Special Report on...
Kilosa, a district of the Morogoro region in Eastern Tanzania, has a history of resource-related conflicts surrounding land and forest tenure and management...
Times of war can result in rapid environmental degradation as people struggle to survive and environmental management systems break down resulting in damage to...
This primer explains the current situation concerning the United Kingdom’s food supply and how this is likely to change in the medium and long term as a result...
Large-scale agribusiness projects in Senegal engendered protests from villagers and pastoralists occupying the land who already face pressures from the effects...
A new report analyses how the transition to a low-carbon economy – and the minerals and metals required to make that shift – could affect fragility, conflict...
Population pressure, a lack of economic opportunities, environmental degradation, and new forms of travel are contributing to human displacement and unsafe...
Climate change threatens conflict and poverty in the Arab region, according to the UN Development Programme (UNDP). In a report published last week, the agency...
“Climate change is inextricably linked to some of the most pressing security challenges of our time,” said Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, echoing many...
With the building of one of the world’s largest hydroelectric dams on the Blue Nile River, Ethiopia sets a new phase of development for the country and...
Achieving Zero Hunger in Europe and Central Asia requires supporting smallholders and family farmers to reduce poverty and, in the face of climate change...
The Lake Chad Basin is afflicted with a multidimensional crisis, which contributing factors range from deeply-entrenched regional hostilities to environmental...