Extreme weather events are already adversely impacting the people and environment in Iraq. Record low levels of rainfall and poor water resource management...
A regional consultation launched by OSCE and adelphi brought together stakeholders from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to...
On 12 July 2022, students and young professionals from various academic disciplines and sectors took part in a training on Climate Change and Security in...
Most victims of climate-related disasters do not want to leave their homes and communities, and many develop new livelihoods and coping strategies – yet this is...
Small-scale farmers in Iraq are among the most affected groups in Iraq by climate change and water scarcity. With the reduction of rainfall and soaring...
This chapter 'Azerbaijan: Partnership potential beyond gas?' in the book 'European Foreign Policy in a Decarbonising World,' analyses Azerbaijan and the...
The Bay of Bengal (BoB) region is emerging as an important focal point for climate security risks. The region is one of the most climate-vulnerable in the world...
In August 2010, the Indus broke its levees in southern Punjab, leading to some of the worst flooding in almost a century. The aftermath was felt across Pakistan...
With the Taliban back in power in Afghanistan, and with the Afghan people’s climate-induced humanitarian needs as acute as ever, the need to promote resilience...
Pakistani communities, especially women, are becoming more vulnerable to disaster-driven displacement. Gender-sensitive resilience measures and relief policies...
COVID-19 has demonstrated yet again how all disaster risks interconnect – how a public health crisis can rapidly trigger an economic disaster and societal...
This report, part of a series looking at the nexus between climate change and security in and between nuclear-armed states, surveys major climate effects in...
Climate change can impact security in a number of ways. The OSCE raises awareness, facilitates the identification and mapping of potential security risks...
This paper examines the interaction between climate impacts, migration, displacement and (in)security. It aims to go beyond the prevailing narratives on climate...