But here’s the good news: the concrete measures required for implementation are already on the way. Climate change is a wicked problem, entangled with security, development, and every other area of human life, from equality to health. The Weathering Risk initiative was brought to life to provide the analysis and foresight required for the coveted climate action we so often speak about. The recently launched analyses on Somalia and the Levant region are only a few examples of this ground-breaking work. The report Seven Questions for the G7, prepared in partnership with an amazing team of Superforecasters, is another.
Another important action that supports a coherent transition from talk to action is addressing gaps and shortcomings in the climate security narrative. One of these gaps pertains to the lack of consideration paid to environmental degradation in several human insecurity and fragility-related dynamics. The new WWF-adelphi joint report The Nature of Conflict and Peace takes the important step of looking into environmental interactions of the nature-security nexus in which climate change plays little or no role, therefore complementing the climate-security nexus and allowing for a broader assessment of risks stemming from both climate change and environmental degradation. Now it's up to decision-makers to translate this knowledge into action.
Speaking of implementation: what happens when a UN political mission includes climate and environmental language in its mandate? Find out in our latest podcast with the UN system’s first Climate Security Advisor Christoph Hodder (UNSOM).
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