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Integrating climate into the full conflict cycle: Highlights from BCSC 2024

BCSC’s 2024 edition explored how to secure a climate for peace and examined why climate must be integrated into the entire conflict cycle. Through taking stock of best practice examples, it further advanced concrete climate security approaches and initiatives. 

To learn more about BCSC visit: https://berlin-climate-security-confe... 

This video was produced using conference footage from BCSC 2024. Featuring insights from interviews with adelphi global experts Janani Vivekananda (Head of Programme) and Benjamin Pohl (Head of Programme). 

Direction and production: Alexandra Steinkraus (adelphi global) 
'Script writing: Alexandra Steinkraus and Rachele Semeghini (adelphi global) 
Camera and editing: Paulus Müller-Hahl (Lichtbilder) 
Support: Dorian Wevers (adelphi global) 

The production of this video is supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. 
© adelphi global, all rights reserved 

adelphi global ( is an economically and politically independent, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainability, enhancing environmental protection, improving education, expanding development cooperation, and strengthening international collaborations. Our commitment is reflected in targeted projects, in-depth analyses, and informative educational events, through which we strive for a just and sustainable world.