In the first edition of the year we focus on Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and the South Caucasus. We also look into biodiversity's role in...
Halfway through a season of three COPs, we bring you insights from the UNFCCC and UNCCD’s Conferences of the Parties, with a focus on climate security.
Since 2019, the Berlin Climate and Security Conference (BCSC) has become the global forum connecting governments, international organisations, experts and...
BCSC is almost here, and we can't wait to meet some of you in a rare in-person exchange! If you couldn't make it, don't worry: you can watch it LIVE, and the...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we bring you the Africa Climate Security Risk Assessment (ACRA). The first comprehensive study of climate security across...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we look at the big picture. The latest Weathering Risk report identifies nine pressing global climate security trends and...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we showcase the Roadmap for Somalia, the latest in a series of climate security policy roadmaps by adelphi and CGIAR. Our...
In this edition of the ECC newsletter, we highlight a water management conflict in Central Asia involving neighbouring states Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. While...
This edition of the Environment, Conflict and Cooperation newsletter brings to you insights from the field of climate diplomacy coming from South America, the...
As the hottest year recorded on Earth slowly comes to an end, world leaders gather in Dubai for COP28, which promises to bring more concrete action around loss...
As the Northern hemisphere says goodbye to a scalding hot summer and the Southern hemisphere greets the early spring with hellish temperatures, the climate and...
We've all heard it: climate change is a global problem that knows no borders. While this is true, a closer look into local contexts reveals a very diverse...
While we are still reading the summary and rewatching the sessions of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference, negotiations at COP 27 are running at full...
If you are reading this newsletter from the Northern hemisphere, you might be dreading a cold winter, punctuated by restrictive gas use measures. But wherever...
As crucial as raising awareness and setting agendas is for advancing climate action, we know that actual change only begins when said action is implemented...
Multiple crises call for integrated solutions, and our articles this month lay out some priorities for multilateral action. The IPCC report from last February...
2022 is set to be another big year for climate diplomacy and security. Our events calendar is already filling up with high-level events. Meanwhile, EU climate...