Driving Transformative Change: Foreign Affairs and the 2030 Agenda
This volume explores what contributions foreign policy can make on the road to achieving sustainable ways of life and provide guidance by pointing out entry points, priorities and trade-offs. It aims to inspire actors around the world to work together to initiate and boost the necessary changes and keep winning over new like-minded partners.
The volume comprises six essays which highlight different foreign policy approaches to the SDGs:
- Leadership for the SDGs: Why Foreign Policy Must Recharge Multilateral Cooperation Now - by Oli Brown (Chatham House) and Stella Schaller (adelphi)
- Beyond 16: The SDGS and the Opportunity to Build a More Peaceful World - By David Steven (Center on International Cooperation, NYU), Rachel Locke (Center on International Cooperation, NYU) and Lukas Rüttinger (adelphi)
- Beware the Politics: Leveraging Foreign Policy for SDG Implementation - By Daria Ivleva (adelphi), Alexander Müller (TMG Think Tank for Sustainability), and Benjamin Pohl (adelphi)
- Managing the Trade-Offs of Transformation Through Foreign Policy - By Clare Church (IISD), Alec Crawford (IISD) and Stella Schaller (adelphi)
- Worth Every Cent: Smarter Approaches to Addressing Fragility - By Sara Batmanglich (OECD)
- Beyond Rhetoric: Why Foreign Policy Needs to Foster Private Sector SDG Implementation - By Benno Keppner (adelphi), Daniel Weiß (adelphi) Pietro Bertazzi (CDP), and Bibiana García (adelphi)
The initiative and this publication are supported by a grant from the German Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with renowned international partner institutions including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University, Chatham House, TMG Think Tank for Sustainability, and CDP Worldwide.