While the Afghan Government has taken measures to address climate change both at the national and international levels, this risk brief also presents a number of entry points that would specifically address climate security concerns. For a quick overview of Afghanistan's climate-fragility risks, take a look at the two-pager factsheet.
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To contact the author, please email: secretariat@climate-security-expert-network.org.
Further resources:
Podcast with author:
Hot days ahead: How climate is pushing Afghanistan’s multiple burdens to the brink
In this episode, we look at Afghanistan and discuss how climate impacts are pushing its multiple burdens to the brink and what the Afghan government and international community could and should do to address the security risks presented by climate change. Our guest is Oli Brown, Associate Fellow at Chatham House and author of the climate-fragility risk brief on Afghanistan.
Case study:
Poor water provision drives Taliban recruitment in Afghanistan
Political neglect, ideology and economic hardship drive recruitment for the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. As rural communities depend heavily on water for their livelihoods, pressures on resources due to over extraction, deficient infrastructures, and mismanagement, but also to climate changes, are likely to contribute to the conditions that facilitate recruitment by the Taliban.